Keep the Tradition alive

Pon's Traditional Arts, a company that aims to bring the beauty of traditional arts from Hong Kong to Sydney.

Having been inspired by the rich cultural heritage and traditional arts of Hong Kong, we felt compelled to introduce this art form to the people of Sydney. In 2020, we had the privilege of showcasing our traditional arts, and since then, we have established ourselves as Pon's Traditional Arts.

Our main focus is on building traditional backdrops for various events, including weddings, tea ceremonies, and festivities. We take great pride in creating exquisite backdrops that not only enhance the overall aesthetics of the event but also serve as a homage to the rich traditions of Hong Kong.

In addition to our backdrop services, we also organize workshops to educate people about the beauty and significance of traditional arts. Our workshops cover a wide range of skills, including lantern making, lion head crafting, and backdrop designing. Through these workshops, we aim to provide individuals with hands-on experience and insights into the time-honored techniques and cultural significance behind these art forms.

We believe that by promoting and educating people about traditional arts, we can help preserve and celebrate the heritage of Hong Kong, while also fostering a greater appreciation for cultural diversity in Sydney.